Canyon Lake FFA
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Definitions and Terms for Parents/Students



  • Agriculture .......................... The art and science of crop and livestock production. In its broadest sense, agriculture comprises the entire range of technologies associated with the production of useful products from plants and animals, including soil cultivation, crop and livestock management, and the activities of processing and marketing.
  • Agribusiness ........................ Has been coined to include all the technologies that mesh in the total inputs and outputs of the farming sector. In this light, agriculture encompasses the whole range of economic activities involved in manufacturing and distributing the industrial inputs used in farming; the farm production of crops, animals, and animal products; the processing of these materials into finished products; and the provision of products at a time and place demanded by consumers.
  • FFA Alumni......................... is a national organization with local chapters. Anyone may be a member of the alumni association.  Programs with chapter will has opportunties at scholarships and grants that are not available with just a booster club.
  • Barrow ................................. A male pig castrated before reaching sexual maturity.
  • Boar ..................................... A sexually mature male hog.
  • Booster Club....................... A local parent group that supports a specific program and has no national ties.
  • Bovine.................................. of or pertaining to the subfamily Bovinae, which includes cattle, buffalo, and kudus.
  • Broiler................................... market chickens weighing between 3-5 pounds.
  • Buck..................................... mature male goat or sheep
  • Bull ....................................... An un-castrated male bovine.
  • Cabrito................................. a name given to describe young Spanish goats
  • Capon................................... Castrated male chicken
  • Chapter Show..................... A livestock show just for students in our club.
  • Cockrell................................ Young male chicken
  • Conditioning........................ refers to the amount of fat that an animal has.
  • Cull ....................................... To select inferior animals from the herd for potential sale.
  • Ewe....................................... A mature female sheep or ovine
  • Feeder cattle........................ Cattle past the calf stage that have weight increased making them salable as feedlot replacements.
  • FFA....................................... Future Farmers of America 
  • Fleece ................................... The wool coat of a sheep
  • Foal ...................................... A young horse of either sex, less than one year old.
  • Floor Price............................ This is market price at a livestock show
  • Forage .................................. Herbaceous plants or plant parts fed to domestic animals.
  • Forbs .................................... Green broadleaf weeds.
  • Fryer...................................... young chicken weighing between 5 – 10 pounds
  • Gelding ................................ A castrated male horse.
  • Gilt ........................................ Sexually mature female hog, prior to having her first litter.
  • Hen....................................... Term referring to a mature female chicken for turkey
  • Heifer ................................... A young female bovine.
  • Lamb ................................... A young sheep, less than one year old.
  • Legume ............................... A family of plants, including many valuable food and forage species, such as peas, beans, soybeans, peanuts, clovers, and alfalfas. They can convert nitrogen from the air to build up nitrogen in the soil.
  • Market show....................... A livestock show where students show animals for premium cash prizes.
  • Milk Teeth........................... Sheep, goats and steers must have their baby teeth for many shows.
  • Mutton ................................ Meat from sheep those are over one year old.
  • Ovine.................................... pertaining or meaning sheep
  • Polled ................................... (animal science) naturally hornless cattle; having no horns.
  • Prospect Show..................... A show where a student goes for practice
  • Progress show...................... Same as prospect
  • Poult...................................... young turkey
  • Pullet..................................... Female chicken that has started to lay eggs.
  • Ram (or buck) .................... A male sheep of any age.
  • Record Book....................... Records that a student will keep in class and be turned in for a grade.
  • Roaster................................. Chicken weighing between 10-15 lbs
  • SAE....................................... Supervised Agriculture Experience, a student may have animals, plants etc. for this
  • Sire ....................................... The male parent. To father or become the sire of.
  • Sow ...................................... A sexually mature female hog, after having her first litter.
  • Steer ..................................... A male bovine castrated early in life, usually as a calf.
  • Terminal Show.................... A livestock show where the animal does not come home.  The owner is paid a floor price for the animal.
  • Tom...................................... Mature male turkey
  • Validation............................ The time period or day that animals for livestock show must be tagged, tattooed, and hair samples taken.  Parent needs to be present, or must sign a waiver. Entries are separate and will be completed at the November meeting. See teacher or web site for details.
  • Wether ................................. A castrated male sheep or goat.


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